Shreem Beej Mantra Many people have chanted and Ritual of Shreem Beej Mantra and after that there has been a lot of change in the life of those people as well as many experiences of Goddes Laxmi have also happened to those sadhaks in different ways. There are many Beej Mantras which are famous all over the world for different purposes. Money Attraction Shreem Mantra is also one of those popular mantra which gives amazing result in less time. It is a divine sound that connects the seeker to the core of the universe. Let us analyze this Beej Mantra. Mantra is made up of two words Shree and M here Shree means respect given to someone and M means the God/Goddess for whom we are worshiping. Together these two words work as great power to attract money. In this article, we are sharing the scriptural method of its sadhana and the general public method so that you can take benefits according to your own. Is it Shreem or Shreeng? Some people take its pronunciation from Shring and some Shri...